A New Way
to GJ

Teams meetings. Zoom calls. Remote collaboration sessions. We’re business as usual around here. But of course the GJ culture is about sparking creativity and having fun, so we’re finding ways to keep the tradition alive.

With our carpool karaoke outings, summer block party and viral team videos off the table, we put our heads together for ways to keep the culture—and connectivity—going. Daily video stand-ups, weekly bingo (for prizes), a drive-in pop-up retirement party and seriously the most epic virtual Halloween bash you can imagine—we’ve made working from home really work.

We have our share of “Zoom moments.” We’re talking dogs strutting their stuff. Kids popping in. Leaf blowers, landscapers, helicopters and the random spouse hello. But we’re agile and adaptable. We may be screens away but our passion to connect, collaborate and create lives on.